Catechism Changes Life of Polish Immigrant January 26, 2024

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?

Sharing the Good News with someone who isn’t Lutheran – and who maybe doesn’t speak English as a first language – can be intimidating. How can you confidently and accurately answer questions they may have about the Bible and who Jesus is?

The Small Catechism can be the perfect solution. Read how a new supporter found LHF resources, and how one woman’s life has been changed by the Holy Spirit working through this little book:

“My son is dating a lapsed Polish Catholic woman from Chicago. The young adults in her community rarely go to church and know nothing about the Bible. Her elderly parents speak very little English. She has been introduced to Bible study through my son.

When she met us over Thanksgiving, we talked extensively about the Bible. I told her Luther’s Small Catechism was a great aid to her study because it answered her questions and showed her where to find it in the Bible.

When I read out loud to her about forgiveness, she burst into tears. She was burdened thinking her salvation was based on her good works. She knew she didn’t measure up. That led to a much lengthier conversation.

When she asked where she could buy ‘my book,’ I gave her mine. During her visit, she read the catechism and asked many great questions.

She wanted one in Polish to give to her parents. That’s when I went on the hunt [which led to LHF]. She has the potential to be used by the Holy Spirit to bring light into a tightly knit community that is guilt-ridden and fearful.

Thank you for the great work your foundation does. God willing, I can help donate to this for several years. I’m adding you to our Donor Advised Fund for next year.”

What is a donor advised fund? (DAF)

If you’d like to learn more about using a DAF to support LHF’s work, contact your investments advisor. With a DAF, you can make gifts to the charities of your choice during your lifetime. And when you enter into eternal life with Jesus, your heirs can carry on your legacy of sharing the Good News through LHF’s work!

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