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A Child's Garden of Bible Stories - HARDCOVER

Originally written in 1948, this book has enjoyed a popular readership for more than 50 years. Today's classic version offers 60 Old and New Testament Bible stories. This HARDCOVER book contains the timeless biblical accounts of God's faithfulness, grace, and mercy as He interacts with His people. Donation value $5/copy.
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A Child's Garden of Bible Stories - PAPERBACK

Originally written in 1948, this book has enjoyed a popular readership for more than 50 years. Today's classic version offers 60 Old and New Testament Bible stories. This PAPERBACK book contains the timeless biblical accounts of God's faithfulness, grace, and mercy as He interacts with His people. Donation value $5/copy.
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Bible with Small Catechism - HARDCOVER

The Bible and Luther's Small Catechism bound together into one HARDCOVER book. Value $10/copy. Cost to you: $0/copy.
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Bible with Small Catechism - PAPERBACK

The Bible and Luther's Small Catechism bound together into one PAPERBACK book. Donation value $10/copy.
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Jesus Never Fails: Devotional Booklet

An evangelism tract showing that Jesus is the way past failings and failures. Donation value $1/copy.
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Luther's Small Catechism

Book of instruction written in the form of questions and answers about Christian doctrine, originally written in 1529. Donation value $3/copy.
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Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics: Baptism

Martin Luther believed that Baptism is the foundational sacrament. Among Lutherans, Baptism has not received the level of attentions generally given to the Eucharist or to the recently renewed interest in the practice of private confession and absolution. Luther did not value one means of grace over another in offering forgiveness, but he did make distinctions. He viewed each sacrament as having a unique function, and one could not be substituted for another. Baptism was not simply an entrance ceremony into the Christian community, but was equated with the Christian life and established the church's boundaries. Donation value $5/copy.
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Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics: Christology

Biblical in its presentation, Christology describes the historic Christological controversies as well as more recent debates concerning the person of Jesus. Faithful to the historic and orthodox understanding of the incarnation, the two natures in Christ, the atonement and the resurrection, Scaer’s treatment is at the same time fresh and persuasive. Donation value $5/copy
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Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics: Eschatology

An excellent description of the biblical view of the end times as well as an historical overview of the various millennial views that have surfaced in the church over the last two thousand years. Dr. Stephenson's Eschatology is a breath of fresh air as it expounds the Christian view of the end times, a view which cannot be understood apart from orthodox Christology and incarnation theology. Donation value $5/copy
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Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics: Law and Gospel and the Means of Grace

Dr. David Scaer takes up a topic traditional in Lutheran theology – Law and Gospel. His treatment of the topic, though containing nothing new in the way of doctrine, presents the Lutheran understanding of Law and Gospel in a fresh and compelling way. He explains thoroughly the tension between sin and God’s righteousness and then resolves the tension through his explanation of the Gospel as the grace of God in Christ toward the sinner. In the second part of the book he demonstrates the means God has established to bring this grace to sinners. Dr. Scaer’s treatment of Law and Gospel and the Means of Grace will enable pastors and laypeople alike to understand and appreciate better the heart of Christianity with its message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and God’s mercy as revealed in the Gospel and the Means of Grace which bears it to us. Donation value $5/copy
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Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics: the Church and Her Fellowship, Ministry, and Governance

This book not only rehearses the controversies of the past regarding church and ministry, but addresses today’s issues as well. With a completely biblical and confessional perspective, Marquart divides his presentation into four parts: The Church, Church Fellowship, The Ministry, and Church Governance. Marquart’s description of the Holy Ministry provides a welcome corrective to current trends to redefine this office according to secular business and marketing. Donation value $5/copy.
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Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics: the Holy Trinity

Beckwith shows how we rightly reflect upon and talk about the Trinity by placing Christ and the Gospel at the center. He demonstrates the scriptural identity of the Trinity as revealed in the Old and New Testaments. Finally, he explains the pattern of words used by the Fathers and Reformers to protect and proclaim the scriptural identity of the Trinity.
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Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics: the Lord's Supper

Arguing from Scripture and fortifying his presentation with many citations from the ancient church fathers, Chemnitz explains that the real presence does not entail a crass, cannibalistic eating, but a sacramental eating of Christ’s true body and blood. Chemnitz maintains that the Words of Institution are the last will and testament of the Son of God and are therefore to be taken literally and understood with the utmost seriousness. Figurative interpretations of the Words should be avoided because they are bound to be uncertain, and they rob the Christian of the comfort furnished by Christ's body and blood, given and shed for the forgiveness of sins. Donation value $5/copy.
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Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics: Holy Scriptures

In this volume, Kilcrease seeks to explicate and defend the truthfulness of the Bible as well as its Christocentricity in response to the challenges of contemporary theology. This study appropriates the theological resources of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions in order to counteract the destructive theological trends found in contemporary Catholicism, Evangelicalism, and theological Liberalism. By analyzing and defending the scriptural principle of the Lutheran Reformation, this volume will equip readers to confess clearly both the unity of Scripture in Christ and the truthfulness of all that God has spoken in His historic revelation.
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Male and Female He Created Them

Homosexual relations challenge Christian anthropology. Donation value $2/copy.
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