LHF Translator Continues to Share the Gospel in Wartime March 25, 2022

Rev. Slavik Horpynchuk, bishop of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church and project coordinator for LHF projects in Ukraine, is continuing to preach the Good News from safe cover while war rages in his home country.

While the flock of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv is scattered, Rev. Horpynchuk is using social media to broadcast daily prayers and sermons.

“Bishop Horpynchuk is first and foremost a pastor, especially in such perilous times,” said Rev. Dr. Matthew Heise, LHF executive director. “Although the homes and lives of Ukrainians lie in the balance, Bishop Horpynchuk conveys a calm reliance upon Christ alone that is encouraging to all of his people.”

30 years ago, LHF’s work of translating and publishing the good books of our Lutheran faith began in response to the fall of the Soviet Union. For the first time in 7 decades, doors opened to sharing the Good News in countries like Russia, Ukraine and Latvia, and LHF was founded to provide materials, written in the language of the people, that could introduce new believers to Christ.

5 years ago, Rev. Slavik Horpynchuk, bishop of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church, was a keynote speaker at LHF’s 25th anniversary celebration. There, he recalled receiving his first Bible when he was in his 20s and cautioned that it was vital to continue printing books that share God’s Word, “because we do not know when this door will close.”

Just 6 weeks ago, Rev. Horpynchuk peacefully preached the Word and delivered the Sacraments to his parishioners in Kyiv. Today, his flock and others of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church are scattered as they flee before the tanks and missiles.

Once the fury of war dies down, LHF expects that few books will remain in good condition for the Ukrainian people. “Please pray for all of us, but especially for Kyiv, for Hostomel where our storage is located and where very fierce battles take place,” writes Rev. Horpynchuk. “I even do not know whether we still have the storage and books. Maybe we will have to begin all things from the scratch again and reprint all the books.”

An aggressive plan for printing Ukrainian language books, such as A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories, was already underway before the invasion started. LHF’s goal is to have as many books as possible – thousands of books! – ready to print and distribute as soon as the situation allows. These books will also be needed for Ukrainian refugees who have fled to other countries.

Every $5 you can send allows LHF to provide a Ukrainian family with a child’s Bible storybook, Small Catechism, or devotion book. Please consider how you can be God’s hands in delivering the precious Word of God to a hurting people.

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