LHF Mission Speakers

There’s a new Reformation going on! All around the world, Christians young and old are being introduced to Luther’s Small Catechism and other Lutheran materials, translated and published by the Lutheran Heritage Foundation.

LHF speakers will come to your church, free of charge, to tell how new Lutherans are embracing sound doctrine and begging for more materials to be translated into their languages. They will also share how your congregation can play a part in this important mission.

To schedule an LHF speaker for your church’s mission rally, Bible study, or other special event, call (800)554-0723.

To download and print LHF’s general bulletin insert, click here.

Matt Heise

Rev. Dr. Matthew Heise

LHF Executive Director

As an LCMS missionary for 12 years in the former Soviet Union, Rev. Heise saw firsthand the value of having good Lutheran books in the languages of the people. “The work that LHF does is taking the Scripture to the ends of the earth.”


Rev. Dr. Robert Rahn

LHF Founder

When the Soviet Union fell, Rev. Rahn founded LHF to bring Lutheran materials in their language to those denied the faith. Today, Rev. Rahn serves as congregations’ connection to the work LHF is doing in mission fields around the world.

Ted NaThalang

Rev. Dr. Ted NaThalang

LHF Coordinator, Southeast Asia

Born a Buddhist in Thailand, Rev. NaThalang converted to Christianity when his widowed mother married an American Lutheran. Today, he frequently returns to Southeast Asia to coordinate LHF translations and spread the Gospel.

Dinku Bato

Rev. Dr. Dinku Bato

LHF Coordinator, Africa

The son of first-generation Christians in Ethiopia, Rev. Dr. Bato has a passion for sharing good Lutheran teachings in Africa and to African immigrants in the United States.

Mark Moss

Rev. Mark Moss

LHF Mission Engagement Associate

Rev. Moss brings a wealth of experience to the LHF staff, including a rich education in translation principles and three years’ Bible translation supervision in Sierra Leone; several assignments as an LCMS theological educator in Nigeria and Ghana; and 20 years’ experience as a military chaplain in the U.S. Chaplain Corps, where he traveled the world and interacted with people and cultures from Bahrain to Japan, Iraq to Alaska.

LHF Regional Representatives

Several ordained LCMS pastors around the United States are authorized representatives of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation and are eager to visit your congregation. To contact, call them at their direct lines.

Albert Chai

Rev. Albert Chai


Temple City, CA
(626) 823-3040

Dicke Headshot

Dr. Martin Dicke

Southern Minnesota, Western Wisconsin, and Northern Iowa

Goodhue, MN
(651) 249-5348

Tom Fischer

Rev. Tom Fischer

Southwest Michigan and Northwest Indiana

Three Oaks, MI
(248) 495-3723

Dave Gruenhagen

Rev. Dave Gruenhagen


Prescott Valley, AZ
(541) 270-1110

Terry Hoese

Rev. Terry Hoese


Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 361-1384

David Hudak

Rev. David Hudak

North Carolina

West Jefferson, NC
(847) 612-1436

Herb Keistman

Rev. Herb Keistman


Paige, TX
(512) 253-0257

Bob Marshall

Rev. Robert Marshall


Wyandotte, MI
(734) 407-9018

Paul Nielsen

Rev. Paul Nielsen

North Carolina

Hickory, NC
(610) 390-3912

Bob Pfeil

Rev. Robert Pfeil

Upper Michigan and Wisconsin

Loretta, WI
(715) 266-2187

Raedeke Headshot

Rev. Fritz Raedeke

Northern Minnesota

Babbit, MN
(314) 609-1916

Tim Schnare

Rev. Tim Schnare

Central and Southern Illinois, Missouri

Hamel, IL
(618) 623-5990

Herb Schumm

Rev. Herbert Schumm

Indiana and Northern Ohio

Fort Wayne, IN
(412) 779-1502