The LHF Match

LHF Match

Are you interested in supporting the LHF mission for the first time? That time is now!

Considering a gift to the LHF mission? There's never been a better opportunity for you to help put books about Jesus into the hands of new believers!

An enthusiastic LHF supporter wants to encourage other people and churches to get involved in LHF's work, too. So, they're offering a $150K matching gift program to all NEW donors, matching all new gifts to the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR.

Any individual, church or organization who hasn't given a mission gift to LHF before will have their new donations matched, up to $5,000, giving your gift DOUBLE the impact!

That means your gift of $25 (providing 5 Bible storybooks for kids overseas) turns into $50 - now sharing the Gospel with *10* families!!!

How can you help?

We need your help to maximize this generous gift before November 30. With your support, LHF will ultimately print more than 25,000 Bible books that will tell people about Jesus in their own languages.

If you've already give to LHF, share this opportunity with your church, family and friends.

There are lots of ways your church can take part in LHF's mission of sharing the Gospel in the languages of the world. Your Sunday school can adopt a children's mission project. Your Bible class can send their coffee hour proceeds. Your pastor can talk with LHF about having an LHF Sunday, where one of LHF's ordained pastors will come to your church to preach and lead Bible study.

There's no special paperwork to fill out; simply click here to give online! (Maximum matched gift of $5,000; grants and bequests are not eligible.)