In Vietnam, Courageous Shop Owner Displays LHF Books May 30, 2024

by Mr. Hai Au Dinh, LHF project manager in Vietnam

I want to share a touching story which has deeply touched my heart and reaffirmed my faith in the power of spreading God’s love and light in unexpected places.

In a region of Vietnam where openly displaying religious materials can be met with problems and hesitation, we encountered a glimmer of hope and acceptance at a local coffee shop named THUONG. The journey to bring God’s Word to these remote areas was filled with challenges, yet the resilience and spirit of the people we encountered were truly inspiring.

It is not often that we find individuals willing to take a stand for their beliefs, especially in a society where the public display of religious texts can be met with apprehension. However, the owner of THUONG coffee shop defied these norms with remarkable courage and generosity. Despite the risks, they graciously agreed to showcase LHF Bible books on their shelves, providing a good and visible space for those seeking spiritual nourishment.

This act of bravery may seem small to some, but its impact reverberates far beyond the confines of the coffee shop walls. It serves as a beacon of light in a world that can often feel dark and divided. The willingness of the THUONG coffee shop owner leaves me speechless.

As I reflect on this experience, I am reminded of the importance of standing up for what we believe in, even in the face of adversity. The owner of THUONG coffee shop exemplifies the courage and compassion that we should all strive to embody in our lives. Their willingness to open their doors to our Bible books serves as a powerful reminder that God’s love knows no bounds, and our faith has the power to transcend barriers.

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