District LWML Grants Share Gospel With Immigrants January 22, 2021

The United States has always welcomed people from around the world to her shores.

“While these immigrants and refugees come for a new life in a new country, we also recognize that many of them need one more thing: a new life in Christ,” said Rev. Matthew Heise, LHF executive director.

In 2020, a dozen district LWMLs from across the United States have pledged their financial and prayerful support of LHF translation projects, especially those that help share the Good News of Jesus Christ with immigrants in the United States.

“So many of these immigrants are people living in spiritual darkness, waiting to hear of the love of our Savior,” said Rev. Heise. “Thanks to the generous contributions of our LWMLs, LHF can provide the resources – in their languages – that churches and evangelism teams need to bridge the language barrier and share the Gospel.”

And sometimes, as the following request to LHF illustrates, these materials can be put to use by LWML members themselves!

Dear LHF,

I am a pediatric occupational therapist in northern Kentucky. I recently began working with a little girl whose mom is from Cambodia. She lives with her mom, brother and maternal grandparents. The primary language in the home is Khmer. Her grandparents speak only Khmer and her mom has a fair command of American English, enough to allow her to maintain a job. Mom has said they are the only Cambodian family in the area and they have no church home.

I have visited your exhibit tables at several LWML conventions and not really thought twice about LHF’s work, until I read the proposal for the LWML Ohio District grant last year. Then I was blessed with this beautiful little girl and her mom at work. I would love to be able to share the Word of God with this family. If I could please get a copy of A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories in Khmer to give to them, it could be read by the grandparents (to the children) and maybe be an introduction to the Lord for the whole family. Mom and I have spoken briefly about God and Jesus.

Please let me know how I could get a copy of this book. May God richly bless your mission.

In His name,

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