Do you want to share the Good News with your friend, neighbor or classmate who has a different heart language? Is there an immigrant group in your area that your church would like to reach out to? Are you going on a mission trip?
What an uplifting experience the national LWML and LCMS conventions were this summer! Many, many connections were made with LHF’s faithful supporters, LCMS leadership and international church partners. Check out some of the visitors to LHF’s exhibit booths below:
Although LHF’s work in the traditional Chinese language (used primarily in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macaw) is constantly expanding, translations in simplified Chinese (used in...
At a residence in one of mainland China’s huge cities, a package arrives. The resident happily receives his long-awaited package, a box containing Luther’s Small...
Jesus' Comfort in Calamity When Hurricane Helene unleashed her fury on the Carolinas’ Appalachian Mountains, many Americans saw for the first time how hurricanes can...