Let the Children Come to Me

Imagine trying to teach a class with only one small textbook.

There is no instructor’s manual, no teacher’s notes…and it’s a subject you don’t know a lot about. How well could you teach your students? Could you answer their questions?

This is the situation faced by Sunday school teachers throughout Southeast Asia. Many of them are new Christians who grew up in Buddhist homes, so they have no past experience with Sunday school to draw upon. Aside from A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories, translated into their languages by LHF, they have no materials to teach children about Jesus.

Your students can help – for only $2 per child!

When your school or Sunday school adopts the LHF “Let the Children Come to Me” mission project, their offerings will go toward writing and translating a Lutheran Sunday school program for Southeast Asians in countries like Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia.

The one-year curriculum, based on A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories, will be written and translated for three different age levels at a total cost of $24,000. Conservatively speaking, at least 12,000 Sunday school students will benefit from the curriculum – a cost of only $2 per student.