Adopt a Project with LHF

Around the world, the call is the same. From Sudan and Vietnam, from Argentina and Siberia, from India and China…

“We need good Lutheran books! We want to learn more about the true God.”

For 25 years, the Lutheran Heritage Foundation (a recognized service organization of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod) has been answering calls like this. In Muslim strongholds like Afghanistan and Somalia, LHF-published pamphlets that proclaim the Gospel are the secret, prized possessions that sustain Christians, whose lives are threatened for their faith in Jesus Christ.

In Buddhist countries like Thailand and Cambodia, young Christians struggle to understand new concepts like original sin and the power of baptism. Luther’s Small Catechism, translated into their own languages, brings joy with understanding.

The number of voices calling for help is ever-increasing. Like St. Paul, answering the pleas of the Macedonians, LHF stands ready to deliver God’s Word wherever the Holy Spirit allows.


You can help. You can answer the call.

Using the “Projects to Adopt” menu below, click on links to see what projects are needing funding in what areas of the world. Then, contact the LHF office to learn more information about specific projects (800-554-0723 or complete this form). If there’s a certain country where you or your congregation would like to direct your funds, LHF will provide you with the opportunities in that area. Or, if you’d like a few options to present to the voters or your church’s mission committee, we can send you information on several projects where the needs are great.

Once your congregation has adopted a project, LHF looks forward to strengthening our mission partnership. Guest preachers from LHF, as well as regular updates on the progress of the translation project you’ve selected, help your parishioners feel connected to their brothers and sisters in Christ, who just happen to live on the other side of the world.

Adopt a Mission Project

Click below to learn more about our available projects for children, churches and the LWML.


LHF is only able to provide its wide variety of titles and languages through sponsors like your LWML! Click here to see the free program we have available for your church society.


LHF has several free programs available for your classroom to see how they can help their brothers and sisters learn about the Gospel.


LHF has hundreds of projects in the process of being translated, printed, and distributed, but that important work can't be done without help! Click here to explore translation projects needing adoption.

Adopt a Mission Project

Click below to learn more about our available projects for children, churches and the LWML.


LHF is only able to provide its wide variety of titles and languages through sponsors like your LWML! Click here to see the free program we have available for your church society.


LHF has several free programs available for your classroom to see how they can help their brothers and sisters learn about the Gospel.


LHF has hundreds of projects in the process of being translated, printed, and distributed, but that important work can't be done without help! Click here to explore translation projects needing adoption.